Cat eyes surgery

Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic
Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital

About Treatment

Length of Stay 7 Days
Stay in hospital

 1 day and 1 night

Surgery Duration 1 hour
Anesthesia General

14 days  

Stitches Required – Dissolvable
Drains Not required

Why is cat eyes surgery so popular nowadays?  Idol celebrities such as kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian have made this surgery go through the roof with popularity. If you are after the same slanted sexy cat eyes look then this is a surgeryyou should consider. The procedure lifts the outer corners of the eyes to provide a more exotic appearance. Please contact our team for further guidance on your personal requirements and the procedure itself.

How much is cat eyes surgery in Turkey?

The cost of cat eyes surgery in Turkey can vary, depending on whether or not it will be combined with any other procedures. Please kindly contact our team who will gladly assist you further with package prices.



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