Belt lipectomy

Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic
Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital

About Treatment

Length of Stay 10 Days
Stay in hospital

 2days and 2nights

Surgery Duration 4-6 hours
Anesthesia General

10 days  

Stitches Required – Dissolvable
Drains Not required


Belt lipectomy in Turkey

What is a belt lipectomy?

A belt lipectomy is also known as a lower body lift. It is aimed at correcting the appearance defects of the thighs,hips,flanks and abdomen. The procedure involves a 360 degree skin excision starting with the back of the patient and removing the skin and fat all around the abdomen and sides, hence the name ‘Belt’. A belt lipectomy is generally carried out after bariatric surgery and requires 5-8 hours operating time. The surgery can last 4 to 6 hours and requires a general anaesthesia.

Do I need a belt lipectomy?

You might be a candidate if you suffer with any of the following:

  • Excess skin folds on abdomen, lower torso,thighs and hips
  • Out of shape mid section
  • Rashes and or fungal skin infections from rubbing skin
  • Discomfort and distress from your appearance
  • Problems in Sexual activities
  • Low self esteem

It is important to note that excess skin cannot be ridded with sheer exercise and diet, there will be a need for surgical intervention  to remove skin folds.

Advantages of Belt Lipectomy Surgery

  • Belt Lipectomy surgery is removes  the excess fat and weight of roughly 40 to 60 pounds which people struggle to loose
  • Belt lipectomy helps to contour the body.
  • Increases self esteem
  • Increases mobility

How much is a lower body lift in Turkey?

The cost can vary depending on the complaints you may have.  This type of plastic surgery is much more




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